Autumn 2023


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Hello everyone


GLOOMY weather and shorter days often bring on the ‘winter blues’, with some people even falling prey to SAD syndrome… seasonal affective disorder.


Treating yourself to some TLC (we love our acronyms!) goes a long way to improving low mood and helping us feel better. That can range from simply sitting down with a cup of tea and a good book, crunching through Autumn leaves on a bracing walk or lighting a candle and enjoying a relaxing soak in the bath.


With Christmas fast approaching we inevitably become more busy than usual and it’s important to allow ourselves some #metime. If we feel rested and less stressed, we are better able to balance work, family and all those small tasks that can otherwise overwhelm us during these dark winter days.


Christmas Gift Bag  

At this time of the year, it is also more difficult for clients to shake off the aches, pains and ailments that make day-to-day activity a little uncomfortable… chilblains, colds and sniffles, sinusitis, aching joints.


Our award-winning products have been shown to benefit all these problems and more. Bowtech Ease, Bexters Bath Crystals and Bexters Soda Crystals are natural, safe and effective with the added advantage of being environmentally friendly. For full details and user feedback please pop into our online shop where you will also find our Christmas gift bags.


The year has flown past, and we thank you for your support and friendship which is never taken for granted… enjoy the festivities and see you next time!




Helen Signature


Helen’s Top Tip


Apply Bowtech Ease to relieve troublesome bunions and itchy winter chilblains. Our exclusive Ayurvedic aromatherapy oil blend has won many awards and is loved by our customers, one of whom described it as her ‘magic potion’.



Christmas Gift Ideas


For a gift that keeps on giving, we have three Christmas goodie bags that might help you sort your Christmas shopping list.


Bath Relief (£19.95), Bath Treat (£19.95) and Crystals Treat (£14.95) each contain a combination of two natural products, with gift tag and bow. Each bag includes a free exfoliation glove. For full details and to place your order please pop into our shop below.


Christmas Gift Bags


Buy now
Bath Crystals

Wrap Boot for horses
comes a step closer


Our purpose-designed applicator wrap, for use with Bexters Soda Crystals to reduce swelling, has been adapted for use on horses. The prototype boot design has been developed in association with experts within the equestrian world including vets, riders, professional stables and equine Bowen therapists.


Samples have been sent out to a selection of colleagues who responded to our appeal earlier in the year.


Wrap Boot for horses


This is an exciting project with great potential for therapists, owners and riders – not to mention the horses themselves – and we thank everyone for their input and patience. We have made steady progress over the past year and will keep you updated as feedback comes in to our trial.




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