Bowtech Lectric Soda Crystals are mined in Australia, arrive in the UK by ship and are stored until dispatch. Although granulated, they can sometimes stick together rather like sugar lumps and just need a shake to loosen them up. They are brilliant at what they do, my mum adds them to her bath after a day’s gardening to ease aches and pains especially at this time of the year – lots of bending and twisting to rake-up the leaves.
I find that having a bath with the crystals after swimming helps get rid of the chlorine smell and soften the skin. The crystals are also thought to have a detoxifying effect which may help, especially after sport, to keep the muscles relaxed, preventing cramp or spasms.
The crystals can also be used as part of a beautifying treatment in a salon or clinic with a pedicure or chiropody, as well as DIY treatments at home. Big baths to wallow in or hand and foot soaks are all warm and comforting as the weather becomes colder – then soften skin further with B-Line creams and oils available through our special offer to the end of January – coming this week, enjoy.