SNEEZING, watery itchy eyes and runny/blocked nose can make the spring and summer months a misery for those who suffer from hay fever. With pollen levels in the UK forecast to be among the highest for 70 years, 2020 is already proving a trial for many.
The levels predicted by experts who produce data for the Met Office are likely not only to intensify the debilitating effects of this allergy, also known as seasonal rhinitis, but also exacerbate the asthma which often goes hand in hand which of course can be dangerous.
Advice is usually to stay indoors with windows closed, applying Vaseline to the nostrils to prevent pollen entering and taking antihistamine. Bowtech Ease oil, a natural Ayurvedic aromatherapy blend, could be a useful complement to these precautions, used daily to help relieve symptoms.
We know from our own customer feedback that Bowtech Ease is also an invaluable natural remedy for anyone struggling to breathe easily due to sinusitis and seasonal colds. So, how to apply it and how does it work?
Apply the rollerball upwards across the cheekbones either side of the nose followed by a press/release motion until skin is dry (see Helen’s video demonstration on Facebook). Applied on waking each morning the aroma of eucalyptus and peppermint will relieve any congestion and soothe airways that may have become inflamed overnight. Keep the rollerball handy and use as required during periods outdoors.
Among the other essential oils is lemongrass, which combined with black pepper and ginger creates an uplifting mood to help promote a sense of wellness, something we all need during this difficult time whether we are sneezing or not!.
While there is no cure for hay fever, and symptoms can persist well into the autumn, you don’t have to suffer in silence.