I do answer a lot of telephone calls about Bowtech products. I enjoy chatting to people from all over the country that want to help themselves or others. Most people just want to find a simple remedy that can be applied easily, taken as a supplement or used as part of their daily routine. That is exactly what I can supply.
One lovely call today came from a man who bought a 10ml rollerball of Bowtech Ease from me last week. He had broken his wrist a few years ago, but it had healed unevenly and was often painful. He found it hard to accept that just by rubbing on the ointment would provide relief. Of course, I emphasised the ointment should be gently pressed in rather than rubbed. As a reflexologist I am a firm believer this may help to break down congestion and calcification. I have worked with Bowtech Ease using foot reflexology with many people over the years where regular treatment has helped even out hard skin, mis-shapen bones and gritty reflex areas.
In the Daily Mail newspaper last week (September 23rd), it was reported that Dr Marjolein Kammers of University College London had carried out a study about pain relief and the sense of touch individuals use in order to help themselves. She said: “Pain isn’t just the signals coming from the body to the brain, but it is also the way the brain processes those signals.” This seems to support all the self-help measures we know so instinctively and why many of us seek out remedies often online or through word of mouth to help ourselves. Keep these old fashioned remedies I say!