I AM running an evening course called ‘Your intuitive Self.’ It’s all about knowing how we each use intuition and how to practice it through exercises in class and at home. The course runs for six weeks and we are mid-way. We’ve also discussed personal boundaries and how we can sense or have an awareness of our own and others’, especially when we meet new people. Being quiet and present is a big part of it and I read with interest in the Daily Telegraph on Monday (October 4th) about Dan Howard and his technique called ‘Intentional Resting’ see www.intentionalresting.com Wow, this really clicked for me as I have been teaching the same thing to clients and students for years as well as applying it myself. It’s kind of self indulgent, but, hey why not!
The next three classes are about listening to your intuition, finding out if you have spirit guides or guardian angels and using your hands to heal. I’m planning a day workshop, although weekly classes mean there is time to absorb some of the principles and try them out. It’s an exciting moment when you discover someone else is on your wavelength and you can find a website or a class to join. I am going to explain this one-day workshop more on my other website www.helenperkins.com as it has a similar theme to the course I already present which is called ‘Intuition and Sound Reflexology.’
Do come along – the more the merrier!