• Bowtech Ease 10ml

    This handy 10ml rollerball can be kept in a handbag, sports bag or car glove box for ease of use – or in the bathroom cabinet. Just roll once or twice over the affected area and apply gentle press/release action using pad of thumb or finger until absorbed and skin is dry. Use twice daily to start with and then once only as pain or inflammation subsides.  Ideal for bunions and other painful joints. Effective relief also for hayfever, chilblains and sinusitis.


    Available as a pack of two at a discounted price.

    Additional information

    Weight 0.100 kg

    18 reviews for Bowtech Ease 10ml

    1. Bowen by Danielle, Exeter

      Having found Bowtech Ease effective with clients I recommended it to my mum who has found relief from a painful nodule (plantar fibroma) that has formed on the arch of her foot.

    2. Lisa Harris, Middlesbrough

      I bought Bowtech Ease from my Bowen therapist Mena Lee and wow, it’s amazing! It has certainly helped ease my arthritic knee. Highly recommended.

    3. Julie Farmer, NST Bowen and scarwork practitioner, Cookley, Worcestershire

      I run a very busy Bowen clinic and recommend Bowtech Ease to my clients all the time because it works for me. After a full day of treatments one application of this ‘magic potion’ almost immediately relieves the discomfort from my arthritic thumb! I find it especially beneficial for bunions and painful joints on toes, fingers and thumbs. I love that it is all natural with no nasty ingredients; it is effective and easy to use with a pleasant fragrance.

    4. Gareth Roberts, Cheshire

      I had bunions for years without any problem apart from occasional soreness after a long walk. I started to suffer from a swollen toe, probably from a shoe that was rather tight, which worsened the bunion on one foot. Bowtech Ease has been brilliant, soothing the pain and relieving the throbbing big toe which sometimes woke me in the night.

    5. Peter (verified owner)

      Having been in terrific pain from sinusitis, which went into my teeth, gave me a headache and earache, together with not being able to breathe through my nose, after days of inhaling steam, taking ibuprofen and paracetamol to no avail, I tried Bowtech Ease. There was benefit straight away and no need for pain killers or inhalations from the moment of using the oil. Within 4 days all symptoms were gone. Highly recommend this product. Excellent.

    6. Lynne Remmick, Rickmansworth

      My bunion was red, inflamed and very painful especially when I turned in bed and it made contact with mattress and bedclothes. After applying Bowtech Ease regular as advised by my reflexologist, the inflammation began to improve. It has now gone completely and the area is no longer painful to the touch.

    7. Jyotsna Nathwani, reflexologist Rickmansworth

      Bowtech Ease is a fantastic oil. I began applying it about three years ago when I noticed a bunion starting to form. After just one week of twice daily use the pain vanished like magic; I now use it as necessary and the bunion has not become any larger.

    8. Dr Myrofora Themistocleous, Wanstead, London

      I am suffering with a range of symptoms from long-COVID including limb pain and migraine. I have found Bowtech Ease very helpful in reducing the migraine pain and helping me to relax; I would definitely recommend this effective remedy… thank you Helen for your advice and understanding. Bathing in Bexters Bath Crystals has also alleviated the pain in my limbs.

    9. Natalie Utton, Reflexologist Cornwall

      I was recommended to use Bowtech Ease on my big toe where I have an old fracture that bothers me from time to time. The throbbing sensation eased almost immediately and I was so impressed I bought some for use with my own clients.

    10. Mariana Caitaz, Northampton

      My four-year-old son often has a blocked nose which turn into sniffles and colds. This winter I have applied Bowtech Ease beneath his nostrils before bedtime which helps him breathe and sleep easily. Amazingly he has not had a cold so far!

    11. Pauline Koelling, Physiotherapist and Bowen therapist, Leicester

      My hands have suffered with dryness and eczema with all the lockdown washing and now wearing PPE gloves, and Bowtech Ease really helps. This Ayurvedic aromatherapy oil blend is soothing and smells wonderful. The rollerball is easy to apply. It doesn’t sting and seems to help speed-up healing… lovely stuff!

    12. Lindsey Frazier, Bowen therapist, Bellingham, Washington State, USA

      My clients and I love Bowtech Ease… please don’t ever stop selling it!

    13. Kim Sheppard, Bowen Therapist – Tavistock, Devon

      Having found Bowtech Ease so effective myself for various applications, I have been more than happy to recommend it to my clients. I have found it beneficial for arthritic conditions and also any situation where arnica might have been considered for topical application.

    14. Joy Whitehead

      I have rheumatoid arthritis thankfully only in my fingers and I have been using this oil now for several months. The results I have achieved have been amazing for me. The oil has eliminated any pain in my fingers and thumbs (meaning I can dance again without pain in my hands!) and the swellings in my fingers have reduced and my fingers are beginning to look straighter. I will continue to use this product on a daily basis! Wonderful!

    15. Helen Shardlow, medical herbalist Oundle

      I suffer intermittently with a painful big toe joint when wearing high heels, or after physical activity that requires me to bend my feet such as crouching in the garden… possibly osteoarthritis? Bowtech Ease takes away the pain within minutes, even when I am experiencing quite severe discomfort. It’s incredible. I would certainly recommend to others.

    16. Sheila Lowe, Alton, Hampshire

      Bowtech Ease has worked wonders on my bunion – thank you for brilliant product and excellent personal service.

    17. Lorraine Clark, Editor Queen Bee magazine, Peterborough

      I have suffered with a bunion for three years and for the past 18 months it has been very painful. I haven’t been able to wear my favourite shoes and have often had to opt for flatties which haven’t brought out the best in my outfits! Since using Bowtech Ease I have noticed a difference and last week I was actually back in party heels!

    18. Linda Woods – Peterborough

      I have to say I did not believe Bowtech Ease would help but having used it for a couple of months my bunions are not as painful… truly magic!

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